Building Great People to Do Extraordinary Things

We have a unique approach to business. We like to support all our staff to progress by providing equal opportunities. Our simplistic criteria-based progression model allows for all employees whose ambition is matched by their desire to learn and work ethic to achieve their wildest dreams. Whether you're looking for a start in a sales role, to move into leadership and management or you see your future in business development or as a partner in a firm. We continue to grow and we have opportunities in all these areas.

Sales is an incredible gateway to a successful career. Sales experience is not only looked upon fondly by employers but it provides you with the skills to communicate effectively what you can bring to a role, making future job prospects more available. We provide you with the skills to be a superstar in your role with us and be more desirable for your life.
What makes us different
Career Progression
The best way to predict your future is to create it, levelling up is the key. Exposure is our present day network, the very essence of this industry is connections, education and experiences. By providing the tools and support needed to create success, the growth and evolution of the individuals in the business will be phenomenal.
Check out our blogs on Career Progression.
Great Business Culture
A supportive environment is a growing environment. By encouraging people to be their authentic selves and grow to become the best versions of themselves, we give life to our business culture. Through growth, competition, opportunity, and numerous occasions to celebrate success, we continue to create a great working environment.
Check out our Instagram and let it do the talking.
Self Development
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. The beauty of this industry is that we have the drive and desire to always be learning but also to have clear examples of where we want to be in the future, why not tap into that more.
Check out our blogs on self-development.
Join The HYPE
Use the contact form below to reach us regarding your career needs
- 288A Victoria Street, RICHMOND, VIC, 3121
- Work Club Locomotive, Bay 5-7 North, 2 Locomotive St, Eveleigh NSW 2015